Thursday, October 18, 2007

New and soggy

Well, I've always loved reading blogs. I feel that free writing is one good way of knowing someone's heart and mind. I had time at hand tonight, and while surfing and dinking around on Facebook, I came across my cousin's blog page, and I said, what the heck, I am going to try this thing.

Not sure who is going to read this, but I hope family and friends will. I am an introvert; yes I know it doesn't seem that way, but believe me, I am :) I am going to use this as an outlet and share my thoughts and feelings and inspirations and prayers, so that friends and family can know me better and see another facet and consequently in return - which is what I am more excited about, that I will get to know you better. I am very new to this, and if there is a place to leave your comments, please do so. I enjoy dynamic conversations.

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