Anyway, here are some of those "moments."

Moments later, the same cricket took a U turn and hopped back into the water bowl. I was baffled and wondered..."If these creatures are so not intelligent, why are they not extinct yet?"
Moment of inspiration: It is because they breed somewhat fast and they eat pretty much anything .
It got me thinking further... isn't that much like lack-of-common sense people in society then? I must admit that I often fall short and lacked the typical common sense, but I am referring to people who are...well, you know "sits in a smoking section chain smoking with a baby on her shoulders!" You would think that just by survival of the fittest theory, lack-of-common sense people might become extinct, but noooooo, I guess they breed somewhat fast too like crickets!
So, new simile for the day: Lack-of-common sense people are like crickets.
Wait! There's more!
While I was cleaning Chuckles the Rooster and Scooter the Duck, I had not 1, but 2 moments of inspirations.
First, I was using the hose, with a jet of water shooting with decent pressure, trying to get yucky stuff off the cement floor. Then the thought of Blood:Water Mission popped into my head. Here I am using water to clean up after animals and somewhere in the world, humans don't even have clean water to drink.
Second, I was spraying water and cleaning Scooter's rubber mat, and as soon as it was cleaned, Scooter poops on it. It happened 3 times! I was a little annoyed after the third time, and I thought "that's it buddy, I am not cleaning you up anymore!"
Moment of inspiration: Isn't that like how we treat God's grace sometimes. He cleans us, and then we poop and sin and get dirty again and he cleans us again. I am not liking myself to God in my act of cleaning up after Scooter, it just got me thinking about how I sometimes take for granted God's grace for me. It is a great thing that God never ever gets annoyed with me and he will never say "that's it buddy, I am not cleaning you up anymore!"

Please do not bite the hand that feeds you :)