Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Capertillars and Aminals

So, I had to go in to work for a little bit today - feed, medicate, and clean the education animals. In my solitude of cutting up bananas and changing wood chips, my mind inevitably wandered ... I like to call them moments of inspirations, because for a brief period of time, I surprise myself, and am taken into a different place; one where I go "thank goodness I have consciousness and not just instincts."

Anyway, here are some of those "moments."

While feeding the tenrec (please look at exhibit A to the right) I noticed the typical bunch of crickets hopping around in the tenrec's "crib." However, on this fateful day, there were 2 crickets in the tenrec's water bowl. My heroic manly nature kicked in (insert baritone manly growl here) and I proceeded to save those crickets from drowning. The crickets were very happy and hopped away (think Jimminy Cricket)
Moments later, the same cricket took a U turn and hopped back into the water bowl. I was baffled and wondered..."If these creatures are so not intelligent, why are they not extinct yet?"
Moment of inspiration: It is because they breed somewhat fast and they eat pretty much anything .
It got me thinking further... isn't that much like lack-of-common sense people in society then? I must admit that I often fall short and lacked the typical common sense, but I am referring to people who are...well, you know "sits in a smoking section chain smoking with a baby on her shoulders!" You would think that just by survival of the fittest theory, lack-of-common sense people might become extinct, but noooooo, I guess they breed somewhat fast too like crickets!
So, new simile for the day: Lack-of-common sense people are like crickets.

Wait! There's more!

While I was cleaning Chuckles the Rooster and Scooter the Duck, I had not 1, but 2 moments of inspirations.

First, I was using the hose, with a jet of water shooting with decent pressure, trying to get yucky stuff off the cement floor. Then the thought of Blood:Water Mission popped into my head. Here I am using water to clean up after animals and somewhere in the world, humans don't even have clean water to drink.

Second, I was spraying water and cleaning Scooter's rubber mat, and as soon as it was cleaned, Scooter poops on it. It happened 3 times! I was a little annoyed after the third time, and I thought "that's it buddy, I am not cleaning you up anymore!"
Moment of inspiration: Isn't that like how we treat God's grace sometimes. He cleans us, and then we poop and sin and get dirty again and he cleans us again. I am not liking myself to God in my act of cleaning up after Scooter, it just got me thinking about how I sometimes take for granted God's grace for me. It is a great thing that God never ever gets annoyed with me and he will never say "that's it buddy, I am not cleaning you up anymore!"

Lastly, please do not be like Amborro the Blue and Gold Macaw.
Please do not bite the hand that feeds you :)

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Of Clouds and Ladders

I believe that dreams, hopes and aspirations set humans apart from other living things. I believe that when God puts dreams in us, He does not do it to tease us. Dreams are not like carrots-on-a-stick, but rather they are like cheese in a maze for the mouse - if it is relentless and doesn't mind coming to dead-ends sometimes and back-tracking a little, eventually the promised smell shall be tasted. Dreams are not designed to keep us whiny or wishful nor are they designed to overwhelm us. They are given to keep us moving forward and to be hopeful and reliant on Jesus. If we can dream it, we need to find the courage to chase it.

I truly believe that dreams should and will come true simply because they come from God and we need to honor Him. I pray for courage and perseverance.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Many years ago, in Singapore, we had to take this compulsory class and exams called the General Paper (GP for short) It dealt with world issues, moral and ethical view points and controversial topics - abortion, euthanasia, beauty pageants, teenage mothers you get the idea. At that time, my 17 year old mind was too immature for such undertakings and I was put into the class that needed to "improve" the most. I remember distinctly how difficult it was for me to write about certain things, and I remember not having an opinion of my own. I remember how I was usually on the fence, because I believed that there were usually at least 2 sides to every story, so taking a stand was hard for me until I knew EVERYTHING. Later on in life (and by that I mean now) I realized that I am wired in such a way that decisions came slow and deliberate...much like the Ents in Lord of the Rings I suppose.

Today, I learned that my grandmother, an awesome lady whom I spent a lot of my growing up years with, someone who always made wonderful Pickled Vegetable and Duck soup and someone whom I have not seen for 7 years, is lying in a coma, with a heart that is not beating, and supported by a machine that pumps oxygen into her lungs.

The concept of euthanasia is staring me in the face.

It was hard to write about it back in Junior College, it is even harder to think about it right now.

Please pray that my family finds the strength and peace.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

The Absolute Truth... that, Jesus loves me! I need to always keep that in my heart and mind.

I have been anxious/nervous about a few things lately, and in the midst of my anxiety is when I draw closer to my BFF Jesus. Sometimes, I want to keep being "anxious" because I do not ever want to forget my need to rely on Him. When I am anxious, I pray more and listen more, and I am comforted by the thought and hope that something greater wants the best for me. When I am not so anxious, I think I can run my own life - that's where it gets hairy.

Today, one of my anxiety was alleviated. The power of the Creator of the world never fails to amaze me.

I just want to "soar high on wings like eagles, run and not grow weary, walk and not faint" so that I may do His work.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Turn the Page

A new chapter is about to begin.
I am praying that the new pages are filled properly and my life used in a way that will glorify His name.
A combination of excitement and anxiety keeps me on my toes, but at the same time, I want to dive into a computer game to escape from the real world.

Friday, October 19, 2007


Old clothes are comfortable. They are predictable, and they usually feel like they should. They give you confidence because they are familiar.
Old clothes have gone through plenty of rough churning and many hot and parched trials. They have been tested, and have prevailed.
Old clothes might sometime not measure up. They could be out dated or might be too loud. But comfort, confidence and resilience never wears thin.

Old friends are like old clothes. It is good to have them around.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

New and soggy

Well, I've always loved reading blogs. I feel that free writing is one good way of knowing someone's heart and mind. I had time at hand tonight, and while surfing and dinking around on Facebook, I came across my cousin's blog page, and I said, what the heck, I am going to try this thing.

Not sure who is going to read this, but I hope family and friends will. I am an introvert; yes I know it doesn't seem that way, but believe me, I am :) I am going to use this as an outlet and share my thoughts and feelings and inspirations and prayers, so that friends and family can know me better and see another facet and consequently in return - which is what I am more excited about, that I will get to know you better. I am very new to this, and if there is a place to leave your comments, please do so. I enjoy dynamic conversations.