Sunday, December 16, 2007

The Absolute Truth... that, Jesus loves me! I need to always keep that in my heart and mind.

I have been anxious/nervous about a few things lately, and in the midst of my anxiety is when I draw closer to my BFF Jesus. Sometimes, I want to keep being "anxious" because I do not ever want to forget my need to rely on Him. When I am anxious, I pray more and listen more, and I am comforted by the thought and hope that something greater wants the best for me. When I am not so anxious, I think I can run my own life - that's where it gets hairy.

Today, one of my anxiety was alleviated. The power of the Creator of the world never fails to amaze me.

I just want to "soar high on wings like eagles, run and not grow weary, walk and not faint" so that I may do His work.

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