Saturday, December 22, 2007

Of Clouds and Ladders

I believe that dreams, hopes and aspirations set humans apart from other living things. I believe that when God puts dreams in us, He does not do it to tease us. Dreams are not like carrots-on-a-stick, but rather they are like cheese in a maze for the mouse - if it is relentless and doesn't mind coming to dead-ends sometimes and back-tracking a little, eventually the promised smell shall be tasted. Dreams are not designed to keep us whiny or wishful nor are they designed to overwhelm us. They are given to keep us moving forward and to be hopeful and reliant on Jesus. If we can dream it, we need to find the courage to chase it.

I truly believe that dreams should and will come true simply because they come from God and we need to honor Him. I pray for courage and perseverance.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said.